Thank you for all your prayers and support for our family these past few months and the New Year to come. We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness. God is moving greatly in the church here. We had a beautiful Christmas service with over 170 people in attendance including all four churches. Julie and the girls are doing very well. All of us are healthy for the most part, thanks be to God.
Callia (3 ½ years old going on 18) is continually excited about every church event. She began practicing with the worship team and sings with them at the end of service as people are leaving.
Poema (1 1/2 years old) is running all over the house and church following her sister saying a handful of words. She just began to comprehend Christmas as she opened her presents.
Julie and I are finding our place in things. One area that has been fun and rewarding is with the couple’s ministry. We are trying to think of creative ways to minister to the church couples. The day after Christmas we showed the popular movie, “Fireproof”, and had a discussion about growing in our marriages. We had over 30 people attend and had a great time of questions and answers. We made popcorn for all the couples and called it “Couples Movie Night”. It was a welcome treat for the church as many church members have never been to a movie, not to mention a Christian movie with redemptive values.
Please pray for us as we are still looking for housing for our family. We really believe God has the perfect place for us. Our deadline to move is January 15th. We are sure God will help us find that place before then.
Pray also for the coming missions trip to Malawi in February, which will answer many questions about the future vision of our family. Pray that God’s voice would be clear.
Prayer answered: we finally found wheels so we are now mobile. We now save a bundle of money from taking local mini buses and taxis. Thank God
God Bless You,