Warm Fall Greetings,
Those that still have Daylight Savings Time know about "Spring Ahead/Fall Behind". We want to flip the script and "Fall Ahead". We are trusting God for a great Fall Season whether we have Daylight Savings Time or not. God is empowering our precious Malawian and Namibian Brothers and Sisters to take great strides in His Kingdom.
Bible College. With our family having an extended furlow in Baltimore, we are so encouraged to see the churches in Malawi going forward in God's calling. The first Bible College class run solely by our Admin team had a great turn out of 70 people of registration. With other students coming day after day, we are believing God for a great year ahead.
Bible College Teachers Meeting.
Radio. Our church in Malawi has been on National radio for the past 7 years. 6 of those years were on the same station that was owned by the family of the previous president. Coming with the change in power to a new political party, the current party shut down our beloved Galaxy Radio. We loved the station especially because the studio was across the street from our house. We used have different people from our church coming into the studio to interview them. By the Grace of God, the closing of Galaxy Radio did not mean the end of Grace Moments Radio Program. We are now on a youth focussed station called Timveni Radio. The format is a little different since they do not have physical studios. We send in recordings of the Malawian pastor's messages and play them every week. The radio station broadcasts into the whole nation which gives everyone a chance to hear the Grace and Finished Work Message.
Christian School. We are still continuing our vision for a K-3 Christian School. We have made great progress in building and are about 2/3 of the way finished. We have raised the money for the digging of a well and $1000 toward completing the structure. Once it is finished, we will rent out the front half of the classrooms that face the main road to raise money for the church. Our aim is to make the church self-sustaining and that the shops and school would raise the rest of the money to build more classrooms up to 8th grade.
Currently (You can see our church across the street in the top left corner. We have built a little more since this picture and finished the beam on top of the windows)
- The Current Bible College Semester - for Fervency of the Students and Anointing of all the Teachers.
- The Namibian work permits to be approved for Pr. Obrien, Thloki, Pr. Bernard, and Maggie.
- The Women's Conference in Zambia next month. For Traveling mercies and a great touch among our Ladies
- The Youth Conference in December
- The Annual Malawicon national conference April 12-14.
Thanks For Your Prayers!
The Arman Family