There once was a man a bondlave to sin,
He could not get out of the filth he was in.
Torn back and forth by whim and desire,
He knew that his path was destined for fire.
At last the great auction block he was placed on.
His head down in shame, his hope was all gone.
For no one would bid for he was scarred yes indeed,a
Not pride, lust, or envy, sickness or greed.
But there appeared one bidder, whose bid was real low.
His face shone a light with a mysterious glow.
On his face was a mischievous smile,
For He knew what he wanted all the long while.
For he wanted to send this man to the pit,
Where no light is present and fires are lit.
For he wanted to send this man to hell,
But then all heads turned in response to a yell.
From a Man whose garment was oh so white,
It would outshine the whitest, brightest of lights.
He said I’ll take that sinner, I’ll pay the cost.
I seek all who are laden, weary, and lost.
But the other man said, “I’m sorry too late
I’ve already bought that sinner he comes to my place.”
At once the Savior showed forth both His hands
Pierced through with nails where blood had once ran
He said, “For this man I’ve paid the ultimate price,
I’ve paid for this man by giving My life.
He need only receive this gift from My hand…”
The choice is now ours for we are that man.