Throughout the course of our lives we have circumstances that come and go. Many of which rob our joy and have us focused in shortsightedness of what we are going through. One great way to combat such thinking is to go through the past and recall some great things that God has done. Psalm 68:19 - “Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” We as a family are so thankful for all the unspoken things that you have done for us, many things that we may not even know about, but God has led you. The following things are a review of what God has done this past year that we do know about.
Jan - God miraculously spared a young child: Steven George Dulli from drowning in a local well. If you recall, the 3 year old fell down an uncovered well and braced himself with his arms until help came. It was just his birthday 2 weeks ago.
Feb - We finally fulfilled a long standing desire - to do a mission trip to a Muslim City of Mangoci. What we thought would be oppressive was, in fact, very open. We did sketch board and gave an opportunity for receiving Christ. At first it seemed like no one was receptive but a baby girl tied on the back of her mother raised her hand breaking the atmosphere and 6 others followed.
Mar - We had Brigida Calhoun, a Senior from Maryland Bible College, come for the Semester to stay and serve with us.
April - We hosted our Annual Conference, Malawicon, with churches around the region visiting us. Visitors came from 8 different countries and had over 600 attendees. 93 students graduated from Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi all together.
May- We finished Bible College Classes and prepared to return to Baltimore. Our two new pastors took over for the Summer.
June - Our annual Convention took place in Baltimore. It was such a time of encouragement for all of us, especially our children reconnecting with their friends.
July - Our family visits a number of churches in North America: Marlboro, Utica, Houston, and Montreal.
Aug - We return to Africa and our girls begin learning in an American Christian School.
Sep - We receive the Sliva Family back in Malawi as well as my Parents for their 5th year living in Malawi. Bible College begins our 6th year.
Oct - We have a new addition to our team: Pr Albert and Mclean have a new baby girl, Nkumbu Chloe Ntalasha.
Nov - Craig Awad visits us for Thanksgiving from the Philippines and serves with us in the Church
Dec - Had our Christmas Banquet where our two churches come together to eat and fellowship.
God Bless You,
The Arman Family
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