Warm Fall Greetings,
From Zambia to Malawi to Namibia. Our family's faith adventures in Southern central Africa.
September 23, 2023
Malawi/Namibia Fall Ahead
July 23, 2023
A Great and Effectual Door – 1Corinthians 16:9:
The month of April always reminds us of God’s immense greatness especially for us here in Malawi; we recall the eternal work that Christ did for us on Easter regarding His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. Also it is the time in which we hold our regional conference and graduation. We were touched with great gratitude for all our brothers and sisters that sacrificed to visit us. We had guests from Congo, USA, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The conference was amazing, the graduation of 88 students brought great excitement, and the messages were foundational for our continued growth. One memorable message that hit home was how the pillars of the church like prayer, the Word, and evangelism can either be miserable or magnificent depending on whether or not God’s Agape Love is behind them. A church can be doing everything correctly and flourishing on the outside, yet it may lack God’s Love. This conference marked another great milestone, the whole thing was administered by the local team. The graduation, reception of guests, transportation of all church members, feeding of visitors, translation, and music was all administered by our local pastors and deacons. They did a wonderful job in providing an environment to hear God’s anointing while also overcoming challenges. It was amazing to see God bring out their gifts.