1Kings 19:11-12
As we prepare to return to Africa, we want to thank God and you for your prayers, friendship, support, and love. God miraculously finds a way to piece together every little thing to bring about the edification of His church (Eph 4:16).
This past week in Baltimore we had both an earthquake and weathered a hurricane both felt by not only us but the whole east coast. Last Tuesday as we sat in our basement apartment, we felt a little rumbling. I thought it was road work or a pipe that broke, then the whole house began shaking. Our two girls had just gone down for a nap, so they slept right through it. We quickly woke them up and went outside. It was the first time I ever felt an earthquake here in Baltimore. Later in the week we began getting warnings for a hurrican that could potentially pass right over Baltimore. Thankfully it was not as bad as it could have been here in Baltimore. Hours before it came someone mentioned 1Kings 19:11-12 which says that a wind, fire, and earthquake passed Elijah but God was in a still, small voice. I thought about that reality of how God speaks to us. Like God spoke to the woman at the well in John 4:29, and she left saying come see a man who told me everything I ever did is this not the Christ? That small conversation changed her whole life because God was personal with her in a still small voice. This summer we had times like that where God really spoke. I think of early in the summer when we attended the Marlboro Missions Conference and God visited and spoke. The next week was probably one of the most memorable that Julie and I will remember the rest of our lives. We went with Pr. Mike Daigle to visit 2 of the prisons where he is the chaplain. We saw men who don't have much in the natural life to live for, but have heard the still, small voice of God and have real joy. We have heard incredible messages that have moved us. We have so much to bring back with us and share with our brothers and sisters in Southern Africa.
Please pray for us as we go back for a year in transition. Specifically we are praying for the church to be registered in Malawi, the encouragement of disciples in Lilongwe, Malawi, and the ability to get work visas. We are believing God to get a lot of the administrative work done before we actually move there so when we arrive we can jump right into church. We plan to make a number of trips to Malawi this year and are asking God to give us creativity to minister to people through sketchboard evangelism, introductory Bible College Classes, and simple Love, Visitation, and Investment. Our vision is to plant another Greater Grace Church in Lilongwe and establish a Bible College that will train people to reach the rest of the country with the Gospel and down the road open a Christian School and Orphanage as the Lord leads.
Thank you for your prayers as we have seen the Lord work mightily in people's hearts and minds.