We have had an awesome month, full of excitement and ministry. For many of us this month is a time to reflect on the many things for which we are thankful to God.
Zamcon. Every October we bring our leaders to Zambia for a leadership conference joining the other churches in Southern Africa. This year was special because the Zambians had their graduation added to the conference. It was such a joy to be part of the graduation; it was also a testimony to the faithfulness of God in the ministry. To see the men and women that we played a role in training, continuing in the call of God and running the Bible School encouraged us thoroughly.
Another ministry was added to our weekly schedule, a chapel service for the Public School that we rent our hall from. It is so wonderful when God gives you favor with people that are around you. The principal of the elementary school that we rent from is a magnificent Christian. He has always spoken for us and argued even with his board not to raise our rent. He has gone so far as to join our Bible College with his wife and loves every class. He asked us if we could help the existing Bible clubs in the school, so once a week we have one grade and do a message for them. Our hearts melted the first day we had the 5th grade students. If you could imagine the same room that we struggle to fit 200+ adults in for Bible College, we fit about 300+ children without chairs; a room that was full of children was a gross understatement. It was astounding how the 2 women in charge of the Bible club could control those kids, what a lesson of classroom management; and to see the attentiveness and respect of these children. To get the attention of the children the teachers would say, “Grade 5 Bible Club!” and the children would respond, “Fire, Fire, Fire!” I assumed it meant the fire of the Holy Spirit, but it could have meant her wrath also the way the children were so well behaved. The same women led all the children in some praise songs and the room thundered. “Allow the little children to come to me, and forbid them not: for such is the kingdom of heaven. – Matt 19:14.
We are so thankful for our team that is here: my wife and 3 children, my parents, the Slivas, and the Ntalashas. With all of our powers combined and the joy of the Lord, it produces an environment of mass edification, especially during holidays, gastronomically (food-wise). The ladies on the team know how to cook well. Although there are many foods that can’t be found here, turkey is not one of them. In fact, the turkeys travelled internationally. The turkeys were shipped to our supermarket from North Carolina, and one of them laid his life down for us. We welcomed Craig Awad from the Philippines who is with us for the next 2 weeks. He has treated us with great messages and his friendship for the past 20 years.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We know nothing would be possible without them. God hears them and acts. We have been asking you to pray with us about finding land for the church. We have found a potential place. It is about a ½ acre of land with a wall already around it, and it is literally 5 minutes from where we already are. The price is reasonable at about $15,000. It lies on the main road and there is a bus stop right in front of the door. The location is everything. There are also 4 small houses built into the wall that our orphanage could move right into to guard the place. It feels like the right place, but we don’t want to go by our feelings. We are in the process of vetting the place. Frequently in Malawi, people sell land that is not even theirs to sell and run away with the money, so we are going very slowly. We have prayed the prayer of Isaiah 22:22 – if its God’s will that the door would be open and no one could shut it and if it is not His will that the door would be shut and no one could open it. Our church has slowly saving money for land since its inception and we saved about 1/3 of the money being asked by the owner. We are currently negotiating with her to see if she will allow us to pay in installments. Please pray for us to have God’s wisdom and protection.