Acts 11:23 Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. When Barnabas saw the unity in the church of Antioch he was glad and told the church to guard their unity of Grace by depending on Jesus Christ. Our hearts have been made glad with the unity that God has brought. It is so amazing to think of what God has done in seven years. We have gone from a small Bible study in a hotel room to 7 churches gathering to hear the Word of God.
-For the past two week we have had Pr. Scibelli, our missions’ director, visiting and doing a leadership conference. This is also the second year that a group from the Greater Grace Church of Uganda visited us taking a 4 day journey on a series of buses to get here, so encouraging! So with a group of 30 leaders from Lusaka, we brought another bus 5 hours north to the Copperbelt area of Zambia. There we met the Greater Grace Church of Kitwe with the Speedy family. It was a time where we discussed God’s eternal purpose, ate together, played basketball, and did evangelism together. The last night of the leadership conference came to a crescendo with a message on the importance of soul winning. Pr Scibelli played the last message that Pr. Stevens (the late founder of Greater Grace) preached on the radio before he died, which was a heart stirring message of “Souls, souls, souls”. To top it all off we received a call from Pr. Schaller (the current pastor of Greater Grace in Baltimore). The timing was impeccable, it was the Holy Spirit. Pr. Schaller spoke about keeping the garden of our soul. There was about 40 people in the room and all of us could sense an incredible anointing of God. While we may have been thousands of miles away we had unity that transcended distance – this is the Body of Christ.
-This is also the second year for our annual Women’s Conference, which is one of the few women’s events on the Continent for our ministry. It was an incredible blessing to the women in all the churches in Lusaka. Over 50 women came out to hear the Word of God and it continues to grow every year.
-Pray for us…This year Pr. Albert Ntalasha and I will be travelling to Lilongwe, Malawi to do the leg work of registering the Greater Grace Church of Malawi; and encourage the brothers and sisters in Christ who are waiting there for the church. We are asking for prayer for divine wisdom for “we have not passed this way before”…Josh 3:4. We know God will be faithful. Our vision is to have the church registration, church location, and living arrangements in the next 9-12 months.
-We also ask for prayer for our family. Julie has spear-headed the education of our children at home. It is great; she is very motivated and motivating as I am helping teach some of Callia’s classes.
-Lastly we are praying for wisdom in finding the right car as soon as possible. As anyone would hope we would love to find a deal thatdoesn’t need much work. What is impossible with man is possible with God.
-Thank You for your prayers, they are everything to us. We really sense God’s move and know it is because of your prayers to God for us. Thank you for your support and love. We are part of a wonderful family of Grace.