October 30, 2024

Fall Harvest

 Hello from the Warm Heart of Africa,

Last week I returned from visiting our sister churches in Malawi and Eastern Zambia. It was an amazing privilege to see the work of God and be able to bring my son Noah with me. We as a family have made a decision to use the support we are receiving to continue visiting the places we have ministered as well as the place we feel God is eventually calling us to. Thankfully with the airline miles we have accrued, I was able to bring my son on the most recent trip. We were able to encourage our church pastors and reconnect with the missionary community we had been so connected to in years past.It was an incredible refreshment on every side. We came back to see God's work flourishing with a renewed vision to continue penetrating into new areas with Churches and Bible Colleges. We also had a chance to meet with the homeschool group that we were a part of for most of the time we were in Malawi.

Evangelism and Staff Meeting

Home School Group

Swim Meet

Noah's Old Swim Team

Our Old House

The Amazing Misomali Family We Stayed With

We called a meeting of all the pastors in the country to fellowship and talk about the vision of our ministry. It was so heartwarming to see men and women of God working together to increase God's kingdom.

Pastors and their wives

Sunday Morning Church Service

The Dorm Reunion

Malawi's Staple Food and Noah's Favorite - Nsima with Cabbage

We made the journey to the bordering country of Zambia where the Ntalasha family have recently planted a new church. Our family and the Ntalasha family started the church in Malawi and our children have been very close all these years. It was such a blessing to do outreach with Pr Albert and for us to spend a few days with their family.

Zambia Malawi Border

The Ntalasha Family

Lastly, was a great missions story highlighting the open hearts of people. Given the limited time we had in Malawi. Noah and I visited 2 churches each of the midweek services that we were in the country for. The transportation we used is a common form of transportation called a Tuk-Tuk in Malawi or Rickshaw. The man driving offered a ride and agreed on a price. After telling him that we were visiting 2 different church services, he offered to shuttle us around both churches and then take us home. He ended up coming into service with us and listening to both messages. His name is Hopeson and he is a beautiful believer. One of the messages we preached was in his honor about joining the Chariot of the Ethiopian. He got such a kick out of the message that we compared his Rickshaw to the chariot in Acts 8.

Thank you for your prayers. 
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the churches in Zambia, Malawi, and Namibia. We plan to visit again in January 2025.
- Pray for the completion of the GGCA Malawi Elementary School hopefully finished by April 2025.

Future Classrooms

- Regional Youth Conference in Zambia and the Christmas programs.

February 25, 2024

February 2024 News

 February 2024 News

February marks the longest our family has been in the US in the past 15 years. We are so grateful to you and the church in Baltimore for helping us for this season. God also has been incredibly gentle with us as we navigate being stateside. The churches in Malawi seem to be doing very well despite us not being there. We should not be surprised, even Christ said the same: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” – John 12:14.

Mzuzu. Last week the Greater Grace Churches of Malawi sent a missionary to plant a church in the northern city of Mzuzu. This has been on our hearts for the last 5 years, it finally happened. The churches raised support and sent Pr. Liking Zungu. There are other members who used to live in Lilongwe that relocated to Mzuzu that he is gathering.

Pr. Zungu is in the middle.

GGCA Lilongwe. We are under construction to bring Greater Grace Christian Academy to fruition. The vision is to start with K-4 grade and add classrooms little by little. In addition to classrooms that face inside the property, we will have shops that face out toward the street to provide income for the church.

First Snow. This past February also was a first for half of our family. For Poema it was the first time she has seen snow since she was 6 months old. For Noah it was his first snow ever. Noah had been praying to see snow, and Baltimore got about 4 inches. He made a snowman and snow angel. God is so awesome.

Namibia. God has been moving in Namibia. Pr. Obrien and Thloki Britt have been living there holding meetings while they await our final meeting to approve our church constitution that will happen next month. Pr. Bernard Ntalasha, the uncle of our beloved Pr. Albert, has also been joining them from Southern Zambia as we all prepare to converge together. Please keep them in your prayers that God will give us favor with the Council of Churches for a quick approval of our church registration. Once the church is registered then we can apply for long term visas to stay in the country.

Pr. Obrien and his wife are wearing green and white, Pr Bernard is in Salmon color.

Malawicon ’24. We are planning the conference for this coming April 12-14. The theme is “Blessing of Unity”.