So here we are, back in Baltimore. And I am finally taking a little time to talk to you guys:) and put up some pictures. Since we've been back we went to the Missions Conference in Malboro, Massachusetts where we spent one week with our spiritual family there, and then we had our annual International Convention here in Baltimore, "Anointed for Service". What a week this has been with every portion a special anointing. we are really blessed with our Pastor and the Leadership and the visiting pastors; and this has been a real spiritual refreshment. We are ready to go back, really we are:) Chris will be working here until August so you will see us around for a little while longer for those in Baltimore and for the others in America, we really hope to see you around sometime this summer.
There pictures are from our layover in France, on our way to Baltimore from Zambia. We visited my family in Nimes, France and my home Church. Chris' parents joined us for one week from Croatia.

My grandparents with Chris and the girls
Greater Grace Church of Nimes, France

Friends from the church, Fanny and her new husband
At my aunt and uncle's house -from my dad's side

"Maison Carre" famous Roman scare house in my home town

Chris' birthday Party with the Family

My 3 brothers, Yann, Nicolas and Thomas and Us

Grau-du-Roi, beach close to Nimes

Montpellier, visiting my long-time friend Stephanie

Stephanie and callia

Long-time friends from the Church in Montpellier, Amandine, Claudine and Laetitia

love the post and the photos from France!